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The Cancer Care Fund

The Cancer Care Fund is a fund that has been established by Monica, Lori, and Allison - the founders of CNY Mom Prom.  We realize cancer effects everyone, in every way.  This fund allowed us to set the parameters of how the monies from CNY Mom Prom and other fundraising events that support this fund will be spent.  Cancer does not discriminate on gender, age, type, ethnic group, or any other area in life.  We all know this and we wanted our fund to not discriminate.   Our fund provides grants to those individuals who require assistance with expenses related to their needs during their treatment or a family member's treatment.  At first our fund will help with overnight accommodations and monies for gas, groceries, daycare needs, and other smaller expenses.  In the future, we hope that as the fund grows, we can support families with offering to help with  co-pays, child care, therapeutic treatments and medical supplies. We look forward to supporting families in our community.

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